ELECTRI International Releases New Research Report

Prefabrication is any activity or work moved away from the final point of installation to be performed in a controlled, hence safer, and more productive off-site environment. Pre-fab reduces the number of manipulations for final completion and installation on-site. Yet, today, fewer than 5% of electrical construction companies are using prefabrication.

Contractors need a practical way to track and quantify the benefits of prefabrication. Business owners, estimators and project managers need both confidence and knowledge about the cost-saving potentials of prefab so they can account for prefabrication when bidding potential work.

ELECTRI International commissioned MCA, Inc. to conduct a deep-dive study of prefabrication to help the EC Industry focus on risk mitigation, higher predictability of cost, quality of work, and profits. In addition to specific recommendations, the researchers produced an excel-based prefabrication calculator to help contractors translate the total savings into an equivalent composite rate as a practical method for “pricing” estimates with prefabrication. Click here to download a copy of the report.